Aftercare for Addiction Recovery

Addiction treatment is the first step toward building a drug- and alcohol-free life.

You’ll learn how to cope with stressful situations, how to recognize the signs of relapse and how to prevent falling back into addictive behaviors. Treatment facilities like Shadow Hills Recovery provide an ideal environment for staying sober.

However, the real test comes after leaving a residential treatment program. This is the time you’ll be returning home and rebuilding your life. It will be challenging, as residential facilities guide you toward a sober lifestyle. In the real world, you’ll have more temptation and triggers to face.

This is why aftercare is an important part of your treatment plan. Instead of leaving treatment and jumping back into things at home, aftercare provides a slower, more gradual transition with built-in support. By following your aftercare plan, you can raise your chances for staying sober.

What is Aftercare?

Residential treatment centers are often the first step in the recovery process. Once you have safely detoxed from drugs or alcohol, you’ll transition to the residential program where you’ll receive therapy, medications and support. Shadow Hills Recovery offers both evidence-based and alternative therapies to set the foundation for a healthy recovery.

Aftercare is the part of treatment that comes after you finish the treatment program. It’s a comprehensive plan that supports your needs as you transition into society and start handling challenging situations on your own. People in recovery need this ongoing support to prevent relapse and stay sober.

Holding hands in group therapy session

Elements of an Effective Aftercare Program

Aftercare plans have several components that make them successful. Your aftercare plan will be created by your treatment team at Shadow Hills Recovery, and it will reflect your individual needs and goals. Here are some of the components that may be included in your plan:

  • Counseling and group therapy
  • Recovery meetings, such as 12-step meetings
  • Transitioning to an outpatient program
  • Participating in an alumni program at your facility
  • Finding a sponsor or sober mentor
  • Establishing a strong support network
  • Attending all follow-up appointments

Is Aftercare a Necessary Part of Recovery?

Addiction is like other chronic illnesses. There is no cure, but you can manage the disorder with therapy, medications and good self-care. And, research shows that people who participate in aftercare programs have lower relapse rates than those who don’t. So, to answer the question of whether or not aftercare should be a part of your recovery plan, it should.

An aftercare program can assist with the following:

Preventing relapse

Relapse rates in early recovery are between 40 and 60 percent. An aftercare program helps protect relapse by offering structure and support. Through therapy and your self-help groups, you’ll also learn how to recognize the signs of relapse.

Transitioning to your new life

As you transition back home, it’s helpful to have a built-in support system. This leads to improved outcomes and lower relapse rates. An aftercare plan provides this support, as well as fosters confidence and independence.

Maintaining sobriety

Aftercare programs typically last about 1 year. Even after you get through the initial weeks of recovery, an aftercare plan can help you maintain sobriety and settle into your new life.

Van Nuys Addiction Recovery Center
Shadow Hills Recovery will work with you to create a personalized aftercare plan that meets your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our aftercare services and how they can benefit your recovery.


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