Sub Acute Detox

Addiction is a complex disease that requires a wide range of treatment options at various levels.

The first step in the recovery process is detoxification, a process that removes drugs, alcohol and toxins from the body. This could involve stopping cold turkey or gradually reducing the substance until all addictive substances are eliminated.

When you first start treatment, our intake counselors will determine the appropriate level of care for you. If you don’t have a significant risk of medical complications or severe withdrawal symptoms, subacute detox will be recommended. However, if you do have a higher risk for these complications, acute detox may be the better option.

At Shadow Hills Recovery, most clients come to us after completing a medical detox program. They are stable and ready to dive into the core part of their recovery, which involves exploring the underlying reasons for their substance use. Let’s learn more about the detox process and why it’s a necessary part of the treatment continuum.

Detox and Withdrawal: The First Step to Recovery

Detox is the first step in achieving a life of sobriety. Many people fear this part of the process since it’s physically and emotionally draining, but it’s made easier with the right detox program. Because some drugs, including alcohol, can cause life-threatening side effects, our treatment team recommends medical detox with supervision.

The substance you are addicted to will affect your withdrawal symptoms. For example, people with alcohol use disorders have different symptoms than those detoxing from stimulants. But there are still some common symptoms of withdrawal that you will likely encounter such as anxiety, irritability, diarrhea and cravings. Most people are able to complete detox in 3-7 days, though some withdrawal symptoms may linger.

What Factors Influence Detox?

There are a number of factors that will affect your need for acute or subacute detox and the type of withdrawal symptoms you go through. These include:

  • The substance you’re addicted to
  • How long you’ve been an addict
  • The severity of the addiction
  • The presence of a co-occurring disorder
  • Underlying medical problems
  • Your motivation to get sober
  • Your support system

Acute and Subacute Detox

Acute detox is best for individuals who are struggling with severe addictions. In acute detox, clients receive 24-hour a day monitoring at an inpatient facility. This monitoring is necessary because there’s a higher risk for respiratory failure, seizures and other life-threatening side effects.

Subacute detox, on the other hand, is designed for those who have less severe withdrawal symptoms. There is less medical supervision involved, and this type of detox is often done in an outpatient setting where clients return home at night. People often prefer subacute detox because it offers more freedom.

Take the First Step in Your Recovery Journey

To determine the best level of detox for you, you’ll need to contact our admissions team or speak with a medical professional. A full evaluation will be done to determine your physical and mental health, as well as the severity of your addiction and the presence of a co-occurring condition like anxiety or depression.

Once you complete subacute detox, you can start a structured residential treatment program at Shadow Hills Recovery. We have everything you need to heal from your addiction and lead a life of purpose and conviction. Contact the admissions team at Shadow Hills Recovery today to start your treatment journey.

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